Tuesday 28 February 2012

the effect of testosterone phenylpropionate

testosterone phenylpropionate

An average dose of testosterone phenylpropionate is about 200 to 400 mgs/week. Most people inject 2 ml of solution twice a week.
Testosterone phenylpropionate side effects
Side effects of testosterone phenylpropionate are less common that with its cypionate or enanthate cousins because the effects in the body are short lived. High doses over prolonged periods of time can lead to gynocomastia, acne, hair loss and other effects of aromatization.

Monday 20 February 2012

Precautions of Altrenogest

Altrenogest has very severe underlying side effects that can happen to humans who handle or administer the drug.Therefore,protective gloves should be worn anytime when handling this product.
Progesterone compounds, including altrenogest, should not be used in mares with chronic uterine infections.Long-term use of progesterone compounds may delay return to normal reproductive cycles in mares.
Altrenogest is FDA permited for use with horses. Progesterone in oil is not FDA allowed, but is commonly used and is accepted practice. Both drugs are prescription drugs.Altrenogest is permitted in mares in some competitions. It is important to check with the appropriate regulatory group.

Read moreAltrenogest online

Sunday 19 February 2012

the history of Zopiclone


Zopiclone was first developed and introduced in 1986 by Rhône-Poulenc SA, now part of Sanofi-Aventis , the main worldwide manufacturer of the drug. Originally it was promoted as being an improvement on benzodiazepines .
Zopiclone, as traditionally sold worldwide, is a racemic mixture of two stereoisomers , only one of which is active. In 2005, the pharmaceutical company Sepracor of Marlborough, Massachusetts began marketing the active stereoisomer eszopiclone under the name Lunesta in the United States. Zopiclone  is already available off-patent in a number of European countries as well as Brazil and Canada . The es zopiclone  and zopiclone difference is in the dose—the strongest es zopiclone  derivative dosage contains 3 mg of the therapeutic stereoisomer, whereas, the highest  zopiclone  dosage (7.5 mg) contains 3.75 mg of the active stereoisomer.

Read moreZopiclone online

Testosterone Decanoate profile

Testosterone Decanoate
Testosterone Decanoate has been used as a part of the testosterone blend Sustanon 250 for a long time. The decanoate ester makes this   testosterone  drug stay in the blood stream for an extended period of time, allowing the user to inject only once a week and still have strong gains to show from it. Neotest 250 will give the user large gains in strength and muscle mass, burn body fat, increase libido, increase the red blood cell count, increase IGF-1 levels and ease the recovery from strenuous workouts. Because the decanoate ester is so long lasting, users will only need to inject the drug once a week. TestosteroneDecanoate contains a 17-alpha alkaloid and is therefore liver toxic. Prolonged use can cause serious liver damage.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Methyltestosterone’s usage


Methyltestosterone (brand name: [1] Android, Testred, Virilon) is a 17-alpha-alkylated anabolic steroids used to treat men with testosterone deficiency to treat.It is also for women to treat breast cancer, breast pain, treat swelling. due to pregnancy, and with the addition of estrogen to treat symptoms of menopause, it can. It bears close structural similarity to testosterone, but a methyl group at C-17 to increase oral bioavailability.
Methyl testosterone, also known as Android, and Testred Virilon announced a 17-alpha-alkylated anabolic steroids used to treat men with testosterone deficiency is treated. It is also for women to treat breast cancer, breast pain, swelling due to pregnancy, and with the addition of estrogen can treat symptoms of menopause to treat.

Read more:Methyltestosterone online

Monday 13 February 2012

The knowledge of testosterone Cypionate

Testosterone Cypionate
Testosterone cypionate is a pharmaceutical version of natural testosterone. It is often prescribed in hormone replacement therapy, therapies to treat men with low natural production of testosterone. However, men who, under certain conditions, not the drug, which has a number of side effects.

Hypogonadal men suffer low sperm production --- --- can benefit from the drug trade. In addition, adolescents who experience late-onset puberty, and men are prescribed with pituitary or hypothalamic injuries testosterone cypionate.
Some symptoms of testosterone deficiency include low libido, depression, concentration, poor memory, erectile dysfunction and a lowered sense of general well-being. A testosterone deficiency is also consistent with decreased muscle mass and increased body fat, osteoporosis (loss of bone density), and occasionally with mild anemia.
If you are interested in pursing hormone replacement therapy, have your doctor your blood serum levels of testosterone.

Testosterone Cypionate is simply testosterone which has undergone 17beta-estrification, to allow for a steady release over the course of about a week.
Read more>>Testosteron cypionate online

Monday 6 February 2012

How to know about 4-androstene-3,17-dione

4-androstene-3,17-dione is used as Steroidal hormone drugs intermediates.
4-androstene-3,17-dione is Department of C19 steroids, 17α-hydroxyprogesterone by the C17-C20 lyase role in the formation of testosterone generated as intermediates in the 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
The available plant sterols acid or cholesteryl microbial transformation to remove the 17 - bit side-chain preparation.
Androstenedione (also known as 4-androstenedione) is a 19-carbon steroid  hormone  produced in the adrenal glands and the gonads as an intermediate step in the biochemical  pathway that produces the androgen  testosterone and the estrogens  estrone  and estradiol.
CAS: 63-05-8
Molecular formula: C19H26O2   
Molecular Weight: 286.41 g/mol

Friday 3 February 2012

Progesterone Suppliers

Product name: Progesterone
Cas number:
Formula: C21H30O2 
Product discription:
Progesterone also known as P4 (pregn-4-ene-3,20-dione) is a C-21 steroid hormone involved in the female menstrual cycle, pregnancy (supports gestation) and embryogenesis of humans and other species. Progesterone belongs to a class of hormones called progestogens, and is the major naturally occurring human progestogen.
Progesterone is commonly manufactured from the yam family, Dioscorea. Dioscorea produces large amounts of a steroid called diosgenin, which can be converted into progesterone in the laboratory.
More information: Progesterone+ suppliers,

Thursday 2 February 2012

How to get Chloroacetamide

Product name: Chloroacetamide
Cas number:
Formula: C2H4ClNO
Product discription:
Chloroacetamide is one of our product.Holding the concept quality is first and credit is sSoul, we sincerely welcome both the domestic and foreign traders to establish business relation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. 

Wednesday 1 February 2012

β-Hydroxy-β-Methyl-Butyrate Calcium (HMB Ca) Suppliers

β-Hydroxy-β-Methyl-Butyrate Calcium (HMB Ca) is also a strong immune stimulated agent, can enhance immune function, lowering blood cholesterol can reduce the disease, anti-aging, enhance physical fitness, improve quality of life.
β-Hydroxy-β-Methyl-Butyrate Calcium (HMB Ca) is an essential trace the human body with branched chain amino acid metabolites in the muscle tissue may play an important role in protein synthesis, can promote the growth of muscle cells and improve the organization in italics.HMB Calcium as a high-intensity exercise are a new type of anabolic nutrients, can reduce body fat and reduce muscle protein consumption to help muscle recovery and reduce muscle damage caused by over-the role of fatigue can increase the exercise intensity and endurance.
Cas number: 135236-72-5
Formula :( C5H9O3)2Ca

Tuesday 31 January 2012

The function of Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate

Product name:Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate
Cas number:630-56-8
Formula: C27H40O4
Product discription: 17α-Hydroxyprogesterone caproate is a synthetic steroid hormone that is similar to medroxyprogesterone acetate and megestrol acetate. It is an ester derivative of 17α-hydroxyprogesterone formed from caproic acid (hexanoic acid).
17α-Hydroxyprogesterone caproate was previously marketed under the trade name Delalutin by Squibb, which was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1956 and withdrawn from marketing in 1999.
Cytyc is seeking FDA approval to market 17α-hydroxyprogesterone caproate under the trade name Gestiva for prevention of preterm delivery in women with a history of preterm delivery.
 More information: Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate+manufacturers
Read more: http://www.steroid-hormones.com/Progestogen/17/?sms_ss=twitter&at_xt=4d31535256c5c1e5,0

Monday 30 January 2012

Hydrocortisone Base Suppliers

Hydrocortisone Base is natural short-acting corticosteroid drugs. Anti-inflammatory and immune suppression, anti-drug and anti-shock effect, for the treatment of adrenal hypofunction, severe infections, autoimmune diseases, allergic diseases, various causes of shock, blood disorders, hormone synthesis obstacles caused by various types of adrenal hyperplasia and certain inflammatory diseases.
Hydrocortisone Base is one of our product.Holding the concept quality is first and credit is sSoul, we sincerely welcome both the domestic and foreign traders to establish business relation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Providing Progesterone

Progesterone is also known as P4 (pregn-4-ene-3,20-dione) is a C-21 steroid hormone involved in the female menstrual cycle, pregnancy (supports gestation) and embryogenesis of humans and other species. Progesterone belongs to a class of hormones called progestogens, and is the major naturally occurring human progestogen.
Progesterone is commonly manufactured from the yam family, Dioscorea. Dioscorea produces large amounts of a steroid called diosgenin, which can be converted into progesterone in the laboratory.

250bp DNA Ladder – II is your need

250bp DNA Ladder – II; 250bp DNA Ladder – II;
250bp DNA Ladder – II is nice and good gene-protein product, welcome you to buy.
Package 100 applications 
All of these ladders have well designed sizes, sharp bands, and competitive prices. At the same time, the ladders are dissolved in storage and loading buffer, and can be applied onto agarose gels directely.
Suggested Loading Amount: 5ul/lane;
Storage & Loading Buffer:
10mM Tris-HCl (pH7.6), 10mM EDTA, 0.01% xylene cyanol FF, 0.01% Bromophenol Blue, 15% glycerol.6x Loading Buffer: 30% Glycerol, 0.12% bromophenol blue, 0.12% xylene cyanol.
DL2000  250bp DNA Ladder-II  6 fragments:2000,1000,750,500,250,100bp.

Are you finding Hydrocortisone Base

Hydrocortisone Base is one of our product.Holding the concept quality is first and credit is sSoul, we sincerely welcome both the domestic and foreign traders to establish business relation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.
Hydrocortisone Base is also a naturally occurring synthetic glucocorticoid, anti-inflammatory effect of cortisone 1.25 times; it also has immunosuppressive effects, anti-drug, anti-shock and some mineralocorticoid activity, etc., and has left the water, leaving the role of sodium and potassium, plasma half-life of 8 to 12 hours.
Cas number: 50-23-7
Formula: C21H30O5
More information: Hydrocortisone Base + suppliers,
Read more: http://www.steroid-hormones.com/Cortical-Hormone/16/

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Benzocaine is for your choice

Benzocaine is colorless rhombus crystalline, it is odorless and tasteless. it is Soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform. Soluble almond oil, olive oil, acid.it is Difficult to dissolve in water.
Benzocaine is often used as a local anesthetic. It has a Lasting effect,it is toxicity.
Benzocaine is a local anesthetic commonly used as a topical pain reliever. It is the active ingredient in many over-the-counter anesthetic ointments (e.g. products for oral ulcers of Anbesol by Wyeth, Kank+a by Blistex, Orabase B and Orajel by Del Pharmaceuticals, and Ultracare by Ultradent). It is also combined with antipyrine to form A/B Otic Drops, (Brand name Auralgan) to relieve earpain and remove cerumen.
more information: Benzocaine + for sale 

Monday 16 January 2012

Functions of β-Hydroxy-β-Methyl-Butyrate Calcium (HMB Ca)

β-Hydroxy-β-Methyl-Butyrate Calcium (HMB Ca) is an essential trace the human body with branched chain amino acid metabolites in the muscle tissue may play an important role in protein synthesis, can promote the growth of muscle cells and improve the organization in italics.HMB Calcium as a high-intensity exercise are a new type of anabolic nutrients, can reduce body fat and reduce muscle protein consumption to help muscle recovery and reduce muscle damage caused by over-the role of fatigue can increase the exercise intensity and endurance.HMB calcium is also a strong immune stimulated agent, can enhance immune function, lowering blood cholesterol can reduce the disease, anti-aging, enhance physical fitness, improve quality of life.
β-Hydroxy-β-Methyl-Butyrate Calcium (HMB Ca) is a basic human branched-chain amino acids containing trace amounts of metabolites in muscle tissue plays an important role in protein synthesis, it can promote muscle cell growth, increase in italics organization.
more information: β-Hydroxy-β-Methyl-Butyrate Calcium (HMB Ca)+manufacturers
Read more: http://www.steroid-hormones.com/Other-steroids/25/

Saturday 14 January 2012

Providing Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate

Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate is the good thing you want.
Hydroxyprogesterone caproate is a synthetic steroid hormone that is similar to medroxyprogesterone acetate and megestrol acetate. It is an ester derivative of 17α-hydroxyprogesterone formed from caproic acid (hexanoic acid).
Hydroxyprogesterone caproate was previously marketed under the trade name Delalutin by Squibb, which was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1956 and withdrawn from marketing in 1999.
Cytyc is seeking FDA approval to market 17α-hydroxyprogesterone caproate under the trade name Gestiva for prevention of preterm delivery in women with a history of preterm delivery.
Cas number: 630-56-8
Formula: C27H40O4

Friday 13 January 2012

Functions of Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate

Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate is a synthetic steroid hormone that is similar to medroxyprogesterone acetate and megestrol acetate. It is an ester derivative of 17α-hydroxyprogesterone formed from caproic acid (hexanoic acid).
Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate can be used to prevent miscarriage, irregular menstruation, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, endometriosis, endometrial cancer, breast cancer and chronic prostatic disorders.
Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate was previously marketed under the trade name Delalutin by Squibb, which was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1956 and withdrawn from marketing in 1999.
Cytyc is seeking FDA approval to market 17α-hydroxyprogesterone caproate under the trade name Gestiva for prevention of preterm delivery in women with a history of preterm delivery.
Cas number: 630-56-8
Formula: C27H40O4
more aboutbuy+ Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate   
Read more: http://www.steroid-hormones.com/Progestogen/17/

Thursday 12 January 2012

Important informations about Acetoxyprogesterone

Our company is a high-and new-tech enterprise specialized in development and manufacture of pharmaceutical intermediates.
Acetoxyprogesterone is nice and good,welcome you to visit our sites.
We have passed the ISO9001 certification and have established the first provincial R&D center in the Northwest of Hubei province.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

200bp DNA Ladder Suppliers

200bp DNA Ladder has well designed sizes, sharp bands, and competitive prices. At the same time, the ladders are dissolved in storage and loading buffer, and can be applied onto agarose gels directely.

Package 100 applications
More information: 200bp DNA Ladder + for sale

200bp DNA Ladder is composed of 11 strips double-stranded DNA, used for agarose gel electrophoresis analysis of DNA bands. This product is ready product.

The introductions of Benzocaine & Sinus

Benzocaine & Sinus is frequently used in a clinical way to relief patients' pain. Benzocaine is the drug contained in many OTC ointments, such as Anbesol and Orajel. Both Anbesol and Orajel are used for pain in and around the mouth and also to the tooth and gum pain. Benzocaine acts by causing a loss of sensation in the skin and also in the mouth. It does this by numbing the nerves in the region where it is applied, relieving pain. Benzocaine can be applied to the skin around the mouth, nose and cheeks, which are usually the areas affected by sinus pain. It can also be applied to the gums around an aching tooth.
Benzocaine & Sinus occurs during the cold or when your nose is congested and filled with mucus. Sinuses are little air cavities located in the cheek bone and produce mucus on a daily basis. Sometimes, these cavities become inflamed or infected and cause facial pain and pressure. Allergies, infections, smoking, toothaches and even small polyps that can develop in the sinuses can all be the cause of sinus pain. There are several different types of treatment that can help relieve symptoms of sinus pain, including topical analgesic benzocaine.
more aboutBenzocaine & Sinus + suppliers,  
Read more: http://www.steroid-hormones.com/News/Benzocaine-Sinus-Pain/

Tuesday 10 January 2012

How to get Benzocaine

Benzocaine is nice and cheap product.
Benzocaine is a local anesthetic commonly used as a topical pain reliever. It is the active ingredient in many over-the-counter anesthetic ointments (e.g. products for oral ulcers of Anbesol by Wyeth, Kank+a by Blistex, Orabase B and Orajel by Del Pharmaceuticals, and Ultracare by Ultradent).
Benzocaine is also combined with antipyrine to form A/B Otic Drops, (Brand name Auralgan) to relieve earpain and remove cerumen.
More information: Benzocaine + suppliers,

Monday 9 January 2012

The benefits of β-Hydroxy-β-Methyl-Butyrate Calcium (HMB Ca)

β-Hydroxy-β-Methyl-Butyrate Calcium (HMB Ca) is an essential trace the human body with branched chain amino acid metabolites in the muscle tissue may play an important role in protein synthesis, can promote the growth of muscle cells and improve the organization in italics.HMB Calcium as a high-intensity exercise are a new type of anabolic nutrients, can reduce body fat and reduce muscle protein consumption to help muscle recovery and reduce muscle damage caused by over-the role of fatigue can increase the exercise intensity and endurance.HMB calcium is also a strong immune stimulated agent, can enhance immune function, lowering blood cholesterol can reduce the disease, anti-aging, enhance physical fitness, improve quality of life.
β-Hydroxy-β-Methyl-Butyrate Calcium (HMB Ca) is a basic human branched-chain amino acids containing trace amounts of metabolites in muscle tissue plays an important role in protein synthesis, it can promote muscle cell growth, increase in italics organization.
more information: β-Hydroxy-β-Methyl-Butyrate Calcium (HMB Ca)+manufacturers
Read more: http://www.steroid-hormones.com/Other-steroids/25/

Saturday 7 January 2012

Benzocaine is for your choice

Benzocaine is colorless rhombus crystalline, it is odorless and tasteless. it is Soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform. Soluble almond oil, olive oil, acid.it is Difficult to dissolve in water.
Benzocaine is often used as a local anesthetic. It has a Lasting effect,it is toxicity.
Benzocaine is a local anesthetic commonly used as a topical pain reliever. It is the active ingredient in many over-the-counter anesthetic ointments (e.g. products for oral ulcers of Anbesol by Wyeth, Kank+a by Blistex, Orabase B and Orajel by Del Pharmaceuticals, and Ultracare by Ultradent). It is also combined with antipyrine to form A/B Otic Drops, (Brand name Auralgan) to relieve earpain and remove cerumen.
more information: Benzocaine + for sale 

Friday 6 January 2012

The good effect of β-Hydroxy-β-Methyl-Butyrate Calcium (HMB Ca)

β-Hydroxy-β-Methyl-Butyrate Calcium (HMB Ca) is an essential trace the human body with branched chain amino acid metabolites in the muscle tissue may play an important role in protein synthesis, can promote the growth of muscle cells and improve the organization in italics.HMB Calcium as a high-intensity exercise are a new type of anabolic nutrients, can reduce body fat and reduce muscle protein consumption to help muscle recovery and reduce muscle damage caused by over-the role of fatigue can increase the exercise intensity and endurance.HMB calcium is also a strong immune stimulated agent, can enhance immune function, lowering blood cholesterol can reduce the disease, anti-aging, enhance physical fitness, improve quality of life.
β-Hydroxy-β-Methyl-Butyrate Calcium (HMB Ca) is a basic human branched-chain amino acids containing trace amounts of metabolites in muscle tissue plays an important role in protein synthesis, it can promote muscle cell growth, increase in italics organization.
more information: β-Hydroxy-β-Methyl-Butyrate Calcium (HMB Ca)+manufacturers
Read more: http://www.steroid-hormones.com/

Thursday 5 January 2012

Providing Klenow fragment (DNA polymerase I Large Fragment)

Klenow fragment (DNA polymerase I Large Fragment) is the Large Fragment of DNA Polymerase I, E.coli. It exhibits 5'>3'polymerase activity, but lacks the 3'>5'and 5'>3'exonuclease activities of DNA polymerase I. The 3'>5'exonuclease activity of the enzyme is eliminated by mutations in the 3'>5'exonuclease active site.
Add 10 mM EDTA to chelate the Mg2+ cofactor, which protects the DNA ends as they "breathe" while the temperature is increased. Then heat at 75°C for 20 minutes.
Application ares:
1. Random-primed DNA labeling, see Protocol for Random-primed DNA Labeling.
2. Labeling of double-stranded DNA recessed 3'-termini, see Protocol for Labeling Recessed 3'-termini of Double-stranded DNA.
3. Strand displacement amplification (SDA).
4. DNA sequencing by the Sanger method.

Do you find Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate

Hydroxyprogesterone Caproate is very nice and good; you can visit us and get more infornmations.
Hydroxyprogesterone caproate is a synthetic steroid hormone that is similar to medroxyprogesterone acetate and megestrol acetate. It is an ester derivative of 17α-hydroxyprogesterone formed from caproic acid (hexanoic acid).
Hydroxyprogesterone caproate was previously marketed under the trade name Delalutin by Squibb, which was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1956 and withdrawn from marketing in 1999.
Cytyc is seeking FDA approval to market 17α-hydroxyprogesterone caproate under the trade name Gestiva for prevention of preterm delivery in women with a history of preterm delivery.
Cas number: 630-56-8
Formula: C27H40O4

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Acetoxyprogesterone is your want

Acetoxyprogesterone is one of our product .Holding the concept quality is first and credit is sSoul, we sincerely welcome both the domestic and foreign traders to establish business relation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.
Acetoxyprogesterone is nice and cheap product; welcome you to buy our product.
Cas number: 89202-93-7
More information: Acetoxyprogesterone + suppliers,
Read more: http://www.steroid-hormones.com/

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Detailed informations of 17α-Hydroxy Progesterone

17α-Hydroxy Progesterone is a chemical agent, is White diamond or hexagonal lobular crystal.
17α-Hydroxy Progesterone is one of our nice products.
It is used for biochemical research. Preparation of progesterone derivatives.
Molecular formula: C21H30O3
Molecular Weight: 330.46