Wednesday 15 February 2012

Methyltestosterone’s usage


Methyltestosterone (brand name: [1] Android, Testred, Virilon) is a 17-alpha-alkylated anabolic steroids used to treat men with testosterone deficiency to treat.It is also for women to treat breast cancer, breast pain, treat swelling. due to pregnancy, and with the addition of estrogen to treat symptoms of menopause, it can. It bears close structural similarity to testosterone, but a methyl group at C-17 to increase oral bioavailability.
Methyl testosterone, also known as Android, and Testred Virilon announced a 17-alpha-alkylated anabolic steroids used to treat men with testosterone deficiency is treated. It is also for women to treat breast cancer, breast pain, swelling due to pregnancy, and with the addition of estrogen can treat symptoms of menopause to treat.

Read more:Methyltestosterone online

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