Sunday 19 February 2012

Testosterone Decanoate profile

Testosterone Decanoate
Testosterone Decanoate has been used as a part of the testosterone blend Sustanon 250 for a long time. The decanoate ester makes this   testosterone  drug stay in the blood stream for an extended period of time, allowing the user to inject only once a week and still have strong gains to show from it. Neotest 250 will give the user large gains in strength and muscle mass, burn body fat, increase libido, increase the red blood cell count, increase IGF-1 levels and ease the recovery from strenuous workouts. Because the decanoate ester is so long lasting, users will only need to inject the drug once a week. TestosteroneDecanoate contains a 17-alpha alkaloid and is therefore liver toxic. Prolonged use can cause serious liver damage.

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